Governing Body - ULK Polytechnic Institute

Governing Body

The Governing Body is decision making organ of the Institute. Members of the Governing Body of the ULK Polytechnic Institute are appointed by the Founder (Owner) of the Institute.

Members of Governing Body

It is composed of the following members:

Prof. Dr. MBEREYAHO Leopold, PhDChairperson
Dr. NIMPANO Desire, PhDVice Chairperson
Ir. MUSABYIMANA Jean PierreSecretary
Dr. GASINGIRWA Marie Christine, PhDMember
Dr. KARANGWA Desire, PhDMember
Dr. CYULINYANA Marie Chantal, PhDMember
Ir. KANGAHO GentilMember
Mrs BALINDA RebeccaMember
Ir. BALINDA DanielMember
ISHIMWE DavidMember/Students Representative
TUMWINE IsaacSecretary

Below are the attributions of the UPI Governing Body:

  • To provide points of view and suggestions concerning the Institute education policies and strategies and assure the follow up of their execution;
  • To approve the designation of the Chancellor;
  • To approve the selection of the Members of Senior Management;
  • To approve Internal Regulations of the Institute;
  • To approve the Institute budget;
  • To approve the Annual Activity Plan of the Institute and the related budget;
  • To approve the conclusions and decisions submitted by the Academic Senate, including particularly the academic awards, recruitment, promotions for lecturers and researchers of higher learning Institutions;
  • To make a follow-up of activities which allow the Institute to fulfill its mission;

To ensure that the Institute can effectively carry out its mission, regular follow-up on its activities is conducted. The Governing Body convenes every three months as per the Chairperson’s or Principal’s request, with a quorum of at least two-thirds of its members.

In situations of emergency where the Governing Body cannot convene, the Institute’s Senior Management has the authority to make urgent decisions to ensure the Institute’s mission is upheld.

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